Creating value for your clients
In the VUCA (Volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) world, professional service providers with specialised knowledge in niche subject areas, such as law, marketing or accounting, help their customers focus on core business concerns.
Many customers lack the in-house technical expertise, which is where the professional services industry provides support. With their services they help companies to rapidly adapt to changes in circumstance and stay ahead in the competition. They help their clients manage, support and grow their businesses by providing services in a wide array of areas.
Although cost savings is still an important consideration for using professional services, companies are becoming much more strategic and seeking benefits such as value creation, operational flexibility and competitive advantage when considering what services to outsource to a professional service provider.
Ayming provides support to service providers as they streamline operations, empower their people, and exploit innovation.
How to improve productivity?
Like the clients they serve, professional service firms need to work harder to achieve higher productivity without adding substantial cost. Leaner processes, new operating models, digitalisation and automation, and better management of people all have an important role to play.
Identifying the opportunities and implementing the tailored solutions we design is Ayming’s stock-in-trade.

A holistic approach
When transforming the performance of any function, the strategic interests of the business as a whole need to be considered. That is why teams at Ayming take a holistic approach.
Our consultants draw on a wide range of specialist skills – from procurement and our LeanValue™ methodology, through to innovation management and digitalisation.
It means we have the skillset to diagnose underlying weaknesses and devise solutions that produce the best overall outcome.
Working across 15 countries, our 1,300 consultants combine first-class talent with practical experience. We deal in results, not reports, implementing as well as designing change, and sharing risks and rewards with our clients.
Anticipating threats and seizing opportunities
Each professional services provider has its own pressures and priorities. Over three decades, we have developed a suite of proven tools and solutions for those needs, enabling us to create value for each of our clients.
Funding R&D
Innovation strategies need to be sustainable and drive competitive advantage. From applied IT and software solutions to compliance monitoring tools, professional services companies are investing in research and development. But without close knowledge of relief schemes, opportunities to recoup this spending through tax relief are wasted.
Each year, we recover around €1 billion across multiple tax jurisdictions, boosting bottom lines and ongoing innovation.
Operations performance
The utmost in efficiency will be required to meet your clients’ rising expectations of service quality and speed, and value for money.
We provide expert support, designing out waste in all activities. This work is informed by our expertise in procurement and spend analytics, lean management, and process automation.
The goal is to enhance quality as well as reduce costs to the mutual benefit of you and your clients.
Professional services are being transformed through digitalisation, artificial intelligence and automation. The revolution extends from front-end delivery to back-end processes.
As well as guiding the necessary organisational change, our specialists support firms as they adapt these and other technologies to exploit the full potential of data analytics, personalisation of services, process re-engineering, and predictive marketing.
Streamlining tax
Tax is a burden on any business. The complexity posed by multiple taxes – from real estate to VAT, environmental and energy to local and sector taxes – makes it harder to manage that burden. However, as with costs in other areas such as operations or procurement, increasing tax efficiency can unlock savings and drive competitive advantage.
Our tax experts also help clients to manage their overall tax arrangements, whatever their complexity. Working across multiple taxes and jurisdictions, our specialists analyse your position and identify opportunities to reduce liabilities and achieve tax efficiency.
Empowering people
Your success hinges on attracting and retaining high-calibre people, and ensuring they perform to their full potential. Advances in AI and automation are changing rather than obviating that need.
Flexible working arrangements, the ‘virtual consultancy’ model, and increasing reliance on external contracted consultants are challenging established employment practices.
Our specialists apply our extensive HR experience and LeanValue™ know-how to attune people management processes, training, rewards and costs to the strategic goals of the business.
Ayming provides tailored training, digital tools and software support to thousands of employers, transforming HR management by focusing on ROI, digitalisation and compliance.