Our client, one of the UK’s largest manufacturers of building products, was so large and operationally complex that it was difficult for them to assess where it qualified for R&D tax relief.

Speedy Delivery
Ayming focuses on increasing the efficiency of our clients’ processes, with our expert tax and technical knowledge as well as our experience of working alongside HMRC. We’re best placed to deliver a thorough, comprehensive R&D tax relief claim within a short timeframe.
Ayming’s consulting teams consist of both tax and technical experts allowing them to work with your finance teams and specialist staff effectively and efficiently. Their aim is to ensure you receive your tax benefit as quickly as possible.
Ayming has a long track record delivering R&D tax relief claims within swift timeframes. With over 30 years’ experience in innovation incentives across Europe, and since the inception of the UK’s R&D tax relief scheme in 2000, Ayming has analysed thousands of R&D projects, and helped its clients claim over £300m in tax relief.
What we did
From the beginning of our engagement, we understood the project would not be fruitful without pre-engagement with HMRC. We opened up and maintained dialogue with our client’s CRM, from inception to completion. This transparent approach ensured that HMRC was receptive to the forthcoming claim.
Ayming created a new, simplified process at the client for identifying R&D-related activities for tax purposes, which was rolled out across the company. This methodology was unique to them and aligned to its size and breadth of operations.
The efficiency of our approach was best demonstrated up by the swift timeframe in which its initial iteration was completed. A typical project of this size and scale takes four months or more. Ayming and Ibstock completed this project in just six weeks.
Because of the collaboration between Ayming and HMRC, Ibstock’s claim was processed in under five weeks, with payment coming in just two weeks. HMRC was able to make the speedy payout with full confidence that Ibstock’s claim was impeccably detailed and accurate; in fact, HMRC was complimentary about the quality of the claim.
Head of Tax