
Accelerated Savings Delivery

Realise rapid procurement savings and improve your cash position in-year with Ayming’s expert support that activates levers to release value at pace

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The business case – or need – to realise cash savings within procurement can be compelling. However, immediate and tangible savings can be hard to achieve when procurement staff are preoccupied with day-to-day tasks or lack the capacity for targeted savings projects.

At Ayming, we understand the challenges facing cash-focused programmes that need to deliver tangible results at pace.

Maximise savings while balancing risk

Our experience – with large and small organisations across the private and public sectors – shows that considerable benefits can be released within six months to a year.

We exploit a range of tactical levers to maximise in-year value, while balancing savings with risk and maintaining good relationships with suppliers to secure longer-term savings.

Detecting quick wins and designing implementation plans

Our expert consultants take a pragmatic approach, whether working with the procurement team’s existing spend insights or starting from scratch.

  • Understanding key spend trends and demand drivers
  • Identifying areas with the most valuable opportunities
  • Focusing on quick wins to deliver value as rapidly as possible
  • Developing detailed implementation plans and tracking results

From suppliers and governance to performance tracking

We ensure that no stone is left unturned. Moreover, that the right governance and performance tracking measures are in place.

Demand-side levers tend to focus on sourcing to need rather than just want – for example, through specifications optimisation and usage reduction.

Strong governance and performance tracking are essential. Our implementation plans are clearly linked to owners, validated baselines and targets – with clear escalation procedures.

Because our clients can monitor bottom-line impact and resolve any blockages, the pace of savings delivery will not slacken.